Where can you stay;
At kalambaka and the surrounding districts you will find a variety of places to stay which suit every kind of taste.
There exist every sort of residences, hotels, rooms to stay, studios, camping, offering hospitality all year round to a great number of tourists.

Tel: +30 24320 72216
email: kalambak@amaliahotes.com
web: http://www.amaliahotelkalambaka.gr/
Theopetra, Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 24387
email: info@hotelantoniadis.gr
web: http://www.hotelantoniadis.gr/
148, Trikalon str., Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 23330
email: info@divanimeteora.gr
web: http://divanimeteorahotel.com/
National Road, Trikalon, Kalabaka

Tel: +30 24320 78180
email: info@meteorahotels.com
web: http://www.meteorahotels.com/
2nd km.Kalambaka-Ioannina, Trikala Kastraki Str

Tel: +30 24320 77126
email: info@hotelalexiou.com
web: http://www.hotelalexiou.com/
Trikalon 144 b, PC 42200, Kalampaka

Tel: +30 24320 78260
email: info@dellasboutiquehotel.com
web: https://dellasboutiquehotel.com/

Tel: +30 24320 75326
email: info@doupianihouse.com
web: http://www.doupianihouse.gr/

Tel: +30 24320 23966
email: info@hotel-edelweiss.gr
web: http://hotel-edelweiss.gr/
El. Venizelou 3, Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 24830
email: nspiros@otenet.gr
web: http://www.hotel-epavlis.gr
Protomagias 1, Kalampaka

Tel: +30 24320 24117
email: hotel@famissi.gr
web: http://famissimeteorahotels.com
144, Trikalon str., Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 24991
Fax: +30 24320 24835
email: hotel@famissieden.gr
web: http://famissimeteorahotels.com
Koumaries, Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 77914
email: info@hotelgogos.com
web: http://meteorabooking.com/

Tel: +30 24320 75280
web: http://www.hotelkaikis.gr
146, Trikalon str., Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 075336
web: http://www.hotelkastraki.gr/
Patriarchou Dim, Kastraki

Tel: +30 24320 79192
email: HotelKostaFamissi@yahoo.gr
web: http://www.hotelkostafamissi.com/index_en.php
144, Trikalon str., Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 78401
email: info@meteoritis.com
web: http://www.meteoritis.com/

Tel: +30 24320 77444
email: info@hotel-orfeas.gr
web: http://www.hotel-orfeas.gr/index.php

Tel: +30 24320 75910
email: panhot@otenet.gr
web: http://panorama-meteora.gr/en/
Theopetra, Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 22275
email: info@hotel-adrachti.gr
web: http://www.hotel-adrachti.com/

Tel: +30 24320 22042
email: info@hotelrex.gr
web: http://www.hotelrex.gr
Patriarchou Dim, Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24320 22438
email: tsikelihotel@hotmail.com
web: http://meteorakalambaka.com/
59, Meteoron str., Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24324 00184
email: aeolic.star@yahoo.gr
web: http://www.aeolic-star.com/
Liakata & October 28th, Kalabaka

Tel: +30 24320 24186
email: info@hotelfrance.gr
web: http://www.hotelfrance.gr/

Tel: +30 24323 00619
email: info@hotelking.gr
web: http://www.hotelking.gr/
97, Trikalon str., Kalambaka

tel: +30 24320 22367
Tel: +30 24320 72216
email: kalambak@amaliahotes.com
web: http://www.amaliahotelkalambaka.gr/
14 Ploutarhou Str, Kalambaka

Tel: +30 24323 75966
email: info@hotel-spanias.com
web: http://www.hotel-spanias.com/
tel: +30 24320 023079
Kastrakiou Str., Kastraki

Tel: +30 2432024552
Fax: +30 2432024552
Mobile: +30 6972324370
email: guesthouseiridanos@hotmail.com
web: www.iridanos-guesthouse.gr
Agia Triada

Tel: +30 2432024097
Fax: +30 2432079191
Mobile: +30 6972544825
email: info@alsoshouse.gr
web: www.alsoshouse.gr
5 Kanari Street, Old Town (Sopotos)
Tel: +30 2432077789
Fax: +30 2432077705
Mobile: +30 6976562529
email: elenamet@otenet.gr
web: www.elenaguesthouse.gr
3 Kanari Street, Old Town (Sopotos)
Tel: +30 24232022138
Fax: +30 2432094443
Mobile: +30 6948752852
email: info@mythos-guesthouse.com
web: www.mythos-guesthouse.com
20 E. Vlachava Street, Platanos Square

Tel: +30 2432023952
Fax: +30 2432094443
Mobile: +30 6948752852
email: info@monastiri-guesthouse.gr
web: www.monastiri-guesthouse.gr
Nea Dimotiki Odos, 42200 Kalampaka
Tel: +30 2432023588
Fax: +30 2432023589
Mobile: +30 6944143965
email: info@totis.gr
web: http://totiboutiquerooms.com/
3 K. Masouta Street
Tel: +30 2432024554
email: kokaroka@yahoo.com
web: http://kokaroka.com/
21 Kanari Street, Old Town (Sopotos)
Tel: +30 2432022177
Mobile: +30 6936887100
email: roomssofia@yahoo.gr
web: www.roomssofia.4ty.gr
155 Trikalon Street
Tel: +30 2432083444
Fax: +30 2432083444
29 km of road Kalambaka-Agiofyllo
Tel: +30 2432022678
Fax: +30 2432025255
Mobile: +30 6977246371
email: roomstke4001@yahoo.gr
20 P. Dimitriou Street
Tel: +30 2432022293
Fax: +30 2432023134
email: tsourvaka@yahoo.gr
Kastraki – Kalambaka
Tel: +30 2432024802
Fax: +30 2432024802
Kastraki – Kalambaka
Tel: +30 2432024466
Fax: +30 2432024944
Mobile: +30 2432024944
email: svavitsa@sch.gr
3ο km of road Kalambaka – Trikala
Tel: +30 2432075566
Fax: +30 2432023119
Tel2: +30 2432022727
email: info@camping-meteora-garden.gr
P. Box 10, Kalampaka 42200